How to Fix This Error: unable to access jarfile minecraft_server.1.21.jar

If you’re trying to run a Minecraft server and encounter the error “unable to access jarfile minecraft_server.1.21.jar,” it can be frustrating. This message indicates that the server cannot locate or access the specified JAR file.

Steps to Fix This Error: unable to access jarfile minecraft_server.1.21.jar

1. Check the File Location

Ensure that the `minecraft_server.1.21.jar` file is in the correct directory. The server command should be run from the same folder where the JAR file is located. To verify this:

– Open your file explorer and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the server JAR.
– Confirm that the file is indeed present.

2. Verify the File Name

File names are case-sensitive in many operating systems. Make sure the file is named exactly `minecraft_server.1.21.jar`. Check for:

– Typos or extra spaces
– Correct capitalization

3. Confirm the Current Directory

If you’re running the server from a command line or terminal, ensure you are in the right directory:

– Use the command `cd` to navigate to the folder containing the JAR file. For example:


cd /path/to/your/minecraft/server

4. Check File Permissions

You may not have the necessary permissions to access the file. Here’s how to check:

– Windows

Right-click the JAR file, select “Properties,” and look under the “Security” tab to ensure your user account has permission to read the file.

– Linux/Mac

Run `ls -l` in the terminal to see the file permissions. If needed, change permissions with:

chmod +r minecraft_server.1.21.jar

5. Re-download the JAR File

If the JAR file is missing or appears corrupted, download it again from the official Minecraft website:

– Go to the [Minecraft server download page](
– Save the file to the correct directory.

6. Run the Command Correctly

Make sure you’re using the correct Java command to launch the server. The standard command looks like this:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.21.jar nogui

Adjust the memory settings (`-Xmx` for maximum and `-Xms` for minimum) according to your system’s specifications.

7. Verify Java Installation

Check if Java is installed and correctly set up in your system’s PATH. You can verify this by running:

java -version

If Java isn’t recognized, you may need to install it or update your PATH variable.

8. Use Full File Path

If you’re still facing issues, try running the JAR file using its full path. For example:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar /full/path/to/minecraft_server.1.21.jar nogui


Following these steps shared by Hire tech firms, you should be able to resolve the “unable to access jarfile” error when attempting to start your Minecraft server. If the problem persists, double-check each step or consider seeking help from the Minecraft community forums for additional support. Happy gaming!