How to Get Backlinks From .edu sites

How to Get Backlinks From .edu sites


If you create high quality .edu sites back links for your website then chances of getting your keywords rank will be higher. It is proven that it is one of the fastest ways to improve your website ranking.

Apart from keyword ranking, .edu back links are powerful back links because,

1) They are the high domain authority sites with top page authority
2) Spam score of .edu sites are deficient compared to other sites
3) Last but not least, Google loves .edu sites as it gives first preference to .edu sites

Now, you must be wondering how ONE can get/create back links for .edu sites. No worries, here are some of the strategies you can implement while doing SEO, especially when you wanted to get/ create .edu sites back links.

Before diving into it, let me tell you about some tools you can use to get back links for .edu sites.

1) Semrush
2) Ahrefs
3) Moz
4) Ubersuggest

You can use the tools mentioned above when you do competitor analysis for .edu sites as well as it will help you to find potential education blogs, forums, etc.

Let me start with the tips on how to get back links for .edu sites.

1) On a very fundamental basis, you will need a good and knowledgeable content writer who can help you with writing rich and high-quality educational content. Content should be helpful for the students so that they can apply in their studies.

2) After that, you can connect with professors who have .edu sites or pages to post your content and link back to your page/website.

3) You can work with university bloggers and inquire about guest posting and can ask them to link the content with your website.

4) You can meet with many universities and ask their students who write blogs on the college’s website on different topics related to education. You can pay those students and ask them to create a blog or article on their website by linking your website in it. For example, you can visit craigslist and post about searching students who can help to get .edu sites. In most cases, students who write on their college websites understand this, and you are all ready to rock.

5) You should hire someone in your marketing department who can create high-quality comments in the .edu site comment sections.

6) The hired person must look for the websites which give do-follow back links as well as have page rank in “Education sites.” It means he must look for the guest posting websites which can be found out using the tools mentioned above by doing competitor analysis.

7) If you can post an event with the .edu and your domain with the same content, it will give more power to back links.

8) Create scholarships and promote it with linking your website will make it more effective.

9) Moreover, you can provide discounts to staff or students of a particular institution if they visit the website.

10) One of the primary sources to get .edu sites back links is to contact college websites, which are not that much updated as they can’t update it sometimes. Well, you can reach out to them and ask them to get the pages of their website, which may contain outdated links or broken links on .edu pages.

This is possible if you have a chrome extension called “Check my links”, You can install this particular extension and reach over to the .edu site or page. Once you are there open this tool and you will be able to see or determine which all pages have broken links. and then you can start working on it with the replacement.

This is one of the most favorite activities of any SEO person who is looking to get back links for .edu sites.

11) Another way is to look for the resource pages which have a list of excellent back links related to a different topic of the website. It could be an interest of students, teachers, professors, researchers, and many more.


Hope you love this post and try to implement these tips or say strategies in your SEO activity for ranking your website or keywords. Many big firms and start-up use .edu sites for getting back links for their website in order to rank their keywords.

Get Acquainted With Onshore Salesforce Development Services

Get Acquainted With Onshore Salesforce Development Services

Quick Summary: To expand your business you need to serve and retain your customers rightly. Salesforce is a wonderful Customer Relationship Management Software that engages your customers for you and automates several ubiquitous tasks. This article is a brief guide on the types of Salesforce Development Services that are available in the market. Once you know all, it will be easy for you to hire the perfect-fit Salesforce Development Company for your project.


A successful enterprise pertains its stature by maintaining its bond and relationships with its valuable customers. These bondings and relationships go beyond the business-level; they are interpersonal. Your customers direct your business and they serve you the purpose. A Customer Relationship Management software leads your company to esteemed heights.

Enhanced communication, better information organization, task automation, better customer service, improved efficiency, and amplified analytical data reporting are the core benefits of implementing a CRM platform for your organization.

It often happens that you get confused in choosing the right Salesforce partner for your project. Isn’t it? You look for experienced and certified Salesforce developers. But most of the time, you fail to check what types of Salesforce development services they provide. It might happen that your hired Salesforce development company doesn’t provide the service that you are looking for.

Hence, it is essential that you must know about the different types of Salesforce development services. Here, we have mentioned all the types of Salesforce development services that should be provided by the company you hire for your project. These services are often used and the most-preferred worldwide by many trusted and reputed clients for their business.

List of Salesforce Development Services

Salesforce Consulting Services

Salesforce CRM consulting services can help you increase ROI and sales, boost productivity, and improve your customer service. Those services include,

  • Salesforce Implementation

Leverage Salesforce implementation service and plan your workflow in the most efficient way as per your business needs.

  • Salesforce Integration consulting

Hire certified Salesforce developers with the right knowledge in providing all kinds of Salesforce development services. Use  top-most Salesforce integration consulting service and integrate various software, APIs, Plugins, and more.

  • Salesforce app consultants

Hire Salesforce app consultants and get best-in-class consultancy for building custom Salesforce appexchange apps for your business.

  • Salesforce cloud technology consultancy

Adopt Salesforce cloud technology consulting services and expand your business easily and quickly with the help of expert Salesforce developers.

  • Salesforce cloud crisis management consultancy

Want an error-free system and get rid of crises and glitches? Hire Salesforce consulting experts for your Salesforce and get rid of all the complex problems.

  • Salesforce cloud migration services

Migrate from traditional to latest CRM smoothly and seamlessly without any data loss using Salesforce cloud consultant’s expertise. Salesforce developers always stay updated with the latest tools and technologies.

Salesforce Customization Services

Intellectual Salesforce customization services can empower your business with the right solution by increasing tangible revenue, productivity, sales, marketing, and customer service teams. Our services include,

  • Add, manage and modify custom objects and fields

Improve your business’s ROI by adding, managing, and modifying custom objects to extend your custom object and fields’ functionality. Leverage Salesforce customization services and expect the best outcome!

  • Salesforce workflow automation

Certified Salesforce developers use the latest tools and technologies like workflow rule, process builder, and apex code to customize your existing CRM for simplifying CRM tasks.

  • Use of bulk API to configure the data loader

Hire Salesforce consultants and streamline your business processes using bulk API with custom Salesforce solutions.

  • Create custom reports and dashboards

Leverage top-of-the-line expertise in providing Salesforce customization services and create customized reports and dashboards that can help you identify the sales territory is the best or not, customer segment is profitable or not and much more.

  • Custom email templates

Create custom email templates, style sheets, and email attachments using Salesforce customization services as per your business needs.

Salesforce CRM integration with third-party systems

Salesforce developers have expertise in integrating Salesforce CRM with the third-party systems using REST/SOAP. Hire Salesforce developers and experience seamless data flow with our services.

  • Salesforce Integration Services

Leverage superior Salesforce Integration services and integrate your Salesforce with all the 3rd party software. Those services include,

  • Direct integration through APIs

Get in touch with one of the best Salesforce development partner and integrate solutions or web apps with Salesforce through API. Their Salesforce experts have top-of-the-line expertise in understanding Salesforce API based Integrations.

  • Integration through web services

Hire  talented Salesforce Integration experts to create real-time integration with Salesforce through web services and APIs. Get in touch with the best development company and develop Salesforce solutions through visual force or

Moreover, They can help you in utilizing the potential of Salesforce and its capabilities to your business. Be it accounting, ERP, ITSM, Email, Ecommerce, Marketing, Social media, or CTI, Their team of developers can deliver successful Salesforce Integration.


Salesforce Appexchange Services

Top-notch Salesforce development companies have provided successful Salesforce AppExchange development solutions to many enterprises using expertise in Salesforce AppExchange services. Those services include,

  • Appexchange app planning

Get end-to-end Salesforce AppExchange development services right from making a blueprint to prototype from skilled and experienced Salesforce AppExchange developers.

  • Appexchange app development

Develop the Salesforce Appexchange app with proper implementation right from scratch to the end using high-quality Salesforce AppExchange services.

  • Appexchange security review assistance

Salesforce Appexchange app developers have in-depth knowledge of maintaining all security protocols for security review. Hire experts and pass a review conducted by the developers of

  • Appexchange Migration

Migrate your existing app built-in Salesforce1 or lightning to the latest one easily and hassle-free using  Salesforce developer’s expertise.


Salesforce Data Migration Services(From Classic to Lightning)

Leverage the expertise in Salesforce data migration services and expert Salesforce developers will help you migrate from Salesforce classic to lightning hassle-free, faster, and in a cost-effective manner.

  • Lightning process automation

Create emails, tasks, and new records by extending processes and deploying workflows in every device. And,  Salesforce developers are capable of doing so. Leverage Salesforce lightning services and streamline your business processes to automation.

  • Component development

Leading Salesforce development companies back in USA, Canada Australia have expertise in providing best-in-class lightning component design and development services. Build reusable lightning components with the help of their skilled and experienced Salesforce developers and take your business to the next level!

  • Cloud Integration app development(Lightning connect)

Manage data and external application by building a cloud integration app using  Salesforce developer’s expertise. Seasoned developers might have done a lot real-time integration with external data sources for our clients.

  • Lightning consulting services

Top-notch Salesforce consulting company provides high-quality lightning consulting services to bring Salesforce’s real value to your business. Leverage their developer’s expertise and make your business’s tasks more potential and easy.

In fact, there is another popular services you might want to know- Salesforce Managed Services that include strategic planning and backlog management, Salesforce optimization, development operations, data management & cleansing and many more.

Apart from the mentioned Salesforce development Services, you should know that companies can also help you in customizing Salesforce products such as,

  • Sales cloud
  • Marketing cloud
  • Commerce cloud
  • Service cloud
  • App cloud
  • Community cloud
  • Health cloud
  • Financial services cloud and more.

Not only this, talented Salesforce developers have experience in providing the expertise of They provide services like development, integration, migration, and lightning components.


Leveraging top-of-the-line expertise in Salesforce development can help you solve the challenges of your B2B and B2C business. No matter what industry you are into,  Salesforce experts can help turn your dream project into reality. It is assured that experts have worked with diverse industries like Medical, Education, Finance, Lifestyle, Food & Drink, Shopping, Music, Travel, News, Entertainment, Social networking, Health & Fitness, Sports, and more.

How to Get Backlinks (White Hat) For a Website?

How to Get Backlinks (White Hat) For a Website?


It’s better to get white-hat back links for your website instead of doing black hat activity and get your website ranked for a particular period. If you wish to have your website ranked organically for a more extended period, white hate activity would be a better option, and even Google loves it. So, let me help you with some white hat activity hacks to get back links for a website.

1) Internal linking

One of the essential white activities for getting back links is to do internal linking. It allows users to navigate a website from one page of a domain to a different page of a domain.

2) Guest posting

Guest posting refers to a blog/article submission to a high DA, PA website, which gives a powerful signal to Google for crawling your page from a different domain.

3) Quora- Question & Answer activity

Quora is a platform where all questions related to your business can be answered. It gives an idea to customers if they have any queries regarding your product or service. many businesses are using Quora for creating No-follow back links

4) Local Business listing

Many businesses are registering their products/services on different business listing websites, which can give them the local store. Apart from local business listing, you can log on various business listing websites that can provide you international inquiry about your product/service.

5) Business directories

Business directories are a lookalike form of the local business listing for giving product/service description and other information too.

6) Classified submission

Classified submission can help you generate back links for your website. In classified submission websites, you can post an ad of your product/service and can let customers know about your customers simultaneously.

7) Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking websites can help you to generate white hate back links, which ultimately consist of your product/service description and other information too.

8) Image submission

Image submission sites allow you to post images of your product/services on their website with the help of generating back links in the form of the anchor image.

9) Profile creation/Blog or profile commenting

Another white activity/hack for generating back links is to create a profile for your business. Add all the information about your business into it. Moreover, you can go for visibility as well as blog commenting, which gives you back links for your website and social signal to Google.

10) PDF/Doc submission

PDF/Doc submission websites give you a chance for businesses to provide an idea about their product/services in detail with a PDF/DOC available to their customers. Additionally, it also provides an excellent social signal to Google for the best white hat back link.

11) Video Submission and Marketing

For having white hate back links, Video submission websites are the best if you have videos of your business. It gives a direct message to your customers via videos and good white hate back links to your website as well. Apart from video submission one should promote those videos as well in order to make sense to the customers about brand awareness as well.

12) Info graphic submission/PPT submission

PPT or Info graphic presentation is trending because it is in the form of a vector image but with different avatars, which ultimately gives a fair idea to customers. One can create anchor text for the keyword they want to rank for their website.

13) Web 2.0 activities

Web 2 point zero websites are the best as those are the best platforms one can start promoting their business via blog or article. “Medium” is the best example of web 2 point zero for blog/article submission which ultimately gives Do follow back link and white hat back link for your website.

14) Start posting blogs on their website

One of the significant white activities one should not ignore as it gives a good reputation of a website in generating back links. You should be posting blogs on your website as it becomes helpful to customers, as well as Google consider as powerful back links if displayed on your site.

15) Blog marketing and promotion on different social media platforms

Blogs/articles which have been written on your website or different platforms should be promoted to various social media such as Face book, Twitter, Reedit, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc. as it helps you to get more traffic and relevant traffic to your website. Additionally, it gives a perfect social signal to Google for back link creation of website.


Above mentioned tips and hacks can get you more number of back links for your website . Hope you implement these strategies to get white-hat back links and impress Google to get your keyword ranked.